April 22, 2024

Behind the Scenes: How Insurance Really Influences Your Personal Injury Claim in North Carolina 

If you’ve ever been involved in a personal injury case or know someone who has, you might have wondered why insurance plays such an influential role in the process. Insurance companies often become the unseen hand guiding many decisions in a lawsuit. But if the insurance doesn’t stretch far enough to cover all the damages, what then?  

The Importance of Insurance in Personal Injury Cases 

Most of us don’t have a stash of money lying around to pay for unexpected expenses, especially those that can arise from being found responsible for someone else’s injury. That’s where insurance comes in. Think of it as a financial cushion that can absorb the blow of unexpected costs—like paying for someone’s medical bills—if you accidentally caused them harm. In personal injury cases, insurance policies are often the key to financial recovery. If an injured person wins their case, it’s usually the defendant’s insurance company that ends up paying, not the individual at fault. 

When Insurance Falls Short 

But what if that financial cushion isn’t soft enough? Imagine walking out of a North Carolina Courthouse near you—the jury just gave you everything you asked for, and the judge handed you a piece of paper that says you’re owed a certain sum of money. It feels like a victory, but that piece of paper doesn’t magically transform into cash. If the person who caused your injuries did not have any insurance, converting that piece of paper (called a judgment) into money that you can use to pay your bills is like trying to squeeze water from a stone. It can be a lengthy, time-consuming, and costly process. Sometimes, the effort required to collect the money can be more draining than the legal battle itself. 

How Insurance Companies Impact the Defense 

If you think the role of insurance companies is only about paying for damages, think again. Since it’s the insurance company that usually covers the bill, they have an interest in paying as little as possible. They become the puppet masters, directing the defense attorney, and even influencing the decisions on whether to settle or go to trial. 

Their main goal is to protect their bottom line. To them, your injury claim is a business transaction, and they’ll employ various tactics to minimize their payout. This includes everything from aggressive negotiation to challenging the severity of your injuries or even the facts of the case itself. 


Insurance is more than just a financial safeguard; it’s the heart of many personal injury cases. From determining how much money can be recovered to influencing the strategies of the defense, insurance companies wield considerable power. Understanding the intricacies of insurance in a personal injury case helps to demystify what often feels like a complicated legal maze. 

If you find yourself in a situation where you’re navigating the world of personal injury and insurance, being informed is your best asset. Recognize that the road to financial recovery can be long and challenging, especially when insurance falls short. Stay patient, stay informed, and know that the puzzle of insurance, while complex, is not insurmountable. 

This information is provided by Harris Legal for general benefit, education, and interest. If you have a specific legal question, you should consult with an attorney.